Monday, February 22, 2016

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a biopic directed by Danny Boyle starring Michael Fassbender as the title character, with Kate Winslet by his side as head of marketing Joanna Hoffman, the cast being rounded up by Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels among others. The movie is divided into three big scenes presenting tensional moments backstage before three major product launches, inviting the audience to take a peek at Steve Jobs' intriguing personality and the people surrounding him. 
I have to say this is a really good movie! I love the fact that the filmmakers used different styles of shooting to portray each period of time, namely 16mm for 1984, 35mm for 1988 and digital for 1998, a smart idea to show the passing of time. Moreover, I like the symmetry and simplicity of using three major locations for most of the movie.
Although there is not much action, the tension builds up every scene due to powerful performances from the actors and good screenwriting. The dialogue is smart and interesting, really letting us get a glimpse of what was going on in the mind behind Apple. Michael Fassbender was amazing in this role, he successfully managed to portray a character who can be hated but pitied at the same time for the way he treats those around him. He knows his worth and he never lets those around him forget about it, pushing them aside at the same time. Kate Winslet was also really good in her role of advisor, coworker, moral support and confident of Steve, who has been besides him the whole time.
All in all, I enjoyed this movie more that I thought I would, mainly because of the choice of presenting the story, relying on emotionally charged sequences before important product launches during his career, as well as smart dialogue and powerful performances. 

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